Each manuscript is treated as a privileged communication. Each article will initially be internally s. Reviewers from any institution of any of the authors are not eligible. In any study that contains quantitative data and statistical inferences, the editor may request that it be reviewed by a statistician. Reviewers are requested to treat papers as confidential and not to copy manuscript. Manuscripts are judged on the interest of the topic , intellectual and scientific content and strength, the clarity of presentation and relevance to readers of the journal.

Acknowledgment of receipts of manuscripts will be sent to the corresponding author. Papers not accepted will normally be returned to the author with or without reviewer's comments. When a paper is selected for review by outside reviewers it is then sent for peer review usually by at least two assessors. Reviewers from any institution of any of the authors are not eligible. In any study that contains quantitative data and statistical inferences, the editor may request that it be reviewed by a statistician.

Reviewers are requested to treat papers as confidential and not to copy manuscript. Manuscripts are judged on the interest of the topic, intellectual and scientific content and strength, the clarity of presentationand relevance to readers of the journal. Acknowledgment of receipts of manuscripts will be sent to the corresponding author. Papers not accepted will normally be returned to the author with or without reviewer's comments.