Radiation Recall in Oropharyngeal Cancer with Background Retroviral Disease: A Case Report
Radiation recall is not a common phenomenon in cancer patients but it can occur in any cancer patient who received radiation therapy prior to commencement of chemotherapy. It is caused by a tissue reaction that develops in a previously irradiated area precipitated by administration of certain drugs or triggering agents or disease conditions. This is a case report of a 30 years old patient with oropharyngeal cancer and background retro viraldisease who was managed in our facility. She initially had six cycles of chemotherapy using cisplatin and paclitaxel in 2015 followed by radiotherapy which she completed and certified disease free in 2016. Five years later in December 2021, she was diagnosed with recurrent disease with extension into nasopharynx. She was re-evaluated, properly optimized and commenced on another round of chemotherapy. Ten days after the first cycle, she developed radiation recall with erythema, dry desquamation and pruritus at the previously irradiated site in addition to mucositis, difficulty and pain on swallowing and xerostomia. The manifestation of radiation recall was successfully managed without worsening of prognosis. Patient is in her 9thyear since diagnosis. This communication is aimed at contributing to existing body of knowledge, highlighting the possibility of radiation recall in cancer patients, for the purpose of continuous medical education and mentor-ship in residency training.